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Why always a Disney Vacation?

Why always a Disney Vacation?

2014-02-07 17.32.40

It seems that our lives and yours too are just soo busy. We are connected to the world and only seconds from the latest tragedy via social media.

Most would say that they barely have time to breath, let alone take a vacation.

That is exactly why you must.  My personal life is a very hectic one.  We help people in all areas of their lives, the good and the bad.  Our doors don’t shut when the clock turns five.

I am not complaining about being married to a pastor by any means..and I am sure you all are going, what does this have to do with Disney.  I mean that is what this blog is all about right?

Stick with me kids, I am going somewhere with this.  The point of this story is that life is intense and sometimes you need a break.  That is why we seem to always find ourselves visiting Mickey and his pals year after year.

I had someone ask me this past trip why we go to the parks so much.  They proceeded to tell me that type of vacation was not a real vacation at all.  They said that it was tons of walking, lots of money and you just exhaust yourself.

While this all may be true, my answer was ESCAPE.  When I am at the Disney parks, I can escape.  I am super busy and having fun so I don’t have to think about the goings on at home.

There is so much to see and do that there is no time for my mind to wander. This process is actually very relaxing. I think if you plan your days right you can actually get some “rest” in there too.

Another reason we always go back is the creativity.  Our families jobs and lives require us to wear a lot of different hats.  We are constantly producing lots of creative things to do for our church.  We get inspired by the great empire that is Disney.

Sometimes it actually is overwhelming how much creative juices flow while on vacation to Disney.  Everywhere you turn there are hidden details that make the big picture great.

I am sure there are trips to other places in our future but for now it’s a Disney Vaca for us!

Have a Magical Week
