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Savin’ them dollars for Disney

Savin’ them dollars for Disney

So, Disney is never going to be described as a “cheap” vacation. However, it does not take a small fortune to go. When counting the cost for a magical Disney vacation you first have to have a plan.

This is what we (The Lemons Sisters) do:
First, we pick a date. This will usually change a few times depending if all the family is going together or not. Once that date is set in stone we come up with a monthly plan of how much we need to either pay down or save on a monthly basis. This helps break up the cost and not make it such a burden all at once.

Once we know how much is needed…Let the saving begin!

One way that I will be getting some dollars for Disney this time around is by selling my cupcakes. Any profit that I get over the next 5 months from my cupcake business (Mandicakes) is going into my Disney Vacation Fund jar.

 By the way, everyone needs one of those. This will realistically raise about $300 total over the next few months.

The next thing is garage sales!  This is a great way to get rid of clutter and things around your house as well as make you some dollars. I use the garage sale facebook groups in my area to sell things.

We have also used eBay successfully a few times to make a little extra cash. This will probably only bring about $100 or so. 

Another way is by couponing.

Make a budget for your groceries and or essential items and then get the newspaper, coupons online, scout the ads and look for deals and discounts.

Whatever money you end up coming in under budget, squirrel that away into your Disney Vacation Fund jar. This can end up saving you lots and lots.  To check out the expert on this one, visit our friends at She really is amazing with this concept. 

Whatever you can do, no matter how big or small, just start saving NOW.

The more time you have to start saving, the more you can do on your magical Disney Vacation.

Well, I am off to go cut some coupons and look over our grocery store ads for some deals on this weeks groceries. 

Have a magical day!