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Disney Countdowns

Disney Countdowns

So there are basically two reasons why you need a Disney countdown. First off is so you can keep your eye on the prize and know exactly how many days till you are at the most magical place on earth.  countdownThe second is jealousy.  Yeah, you heard me right, why go to such a fabulous place without letting the world be jealous of your trip.

Ok, ok, so the second one isn’t so nice but very true.  We want all our family and friends know exactly how much time till we head off to disney.  There are several ways to do countdowns and we are going to explore them today.

If you put Disney trip countdown in search engines there are soo many choices. Not to mention when you go to the app store. There are free ones and ones that cost small amounts. But which is right for you?


We chose to do two different types for this trip. A physical one that is hanging in our kitchen that we can tear off each day and a virtual one on my phone.  You can see the physical one on this weeks video!

The paper one we made came straight out of my head. It was an extremely simple design that was easy to do on the fly with a computer and printer. But all you have to do is go to Pinterest and search disney countdown and whoa! there are tons.  Some are chains made of paper and easy for all ages. Some are blocks that you turn to show the number of days to chalk boards that you update everyday.

Each of these ideas are great and really depend on how much time and money you want to put into it.  My girls don’t really understand how many days till we go but it does give us a chance to prepare them for it by discussing what we will do and see while at Disney.

The option we use is an app on my Iphone called big day lite.  It was free and easy to use.  You just plug in the date and a picture that you can change at any time and it lets you know how many days to your event.

There are literally thousand of countdown apps that you can use and customize. Having one on my phone allows me to text or update social media with my countdown.  This way all my family and friends can see when we are going and say “Are your going there again?”.  To which I will excitedly say “Why yes I am!”.

What ways do you do countdown? Or do you?  Share with us some of your ideas!

Until next time, have a magical day!
