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To take baby or not to take baby? That is the question.

To take baby or not to take baby?  

That is the question.

It has been an ongoing debate on when is the best time to take your baby/child to Disney World for their first trip. Well, as true Disney Fans, we say….take them as soon as you can!559924_10152653225450121_184720023_n
Sure they child may not remember their first trip or second or third, depending how often you go, but when they are under 2 the trip is really for the parents more than the actual child.
It is going to create long lasting memories that you can share with your child for years to come. Plus you can start cute family traditions like taking a picture every year in the same spot to show how they grow from year to year.
One advantage to taking a baby, is there is no extra cost involved for the park. Children 3 and under are free at Disney World and if they are still using a bottle there is no extra food cost.
You will need to be prepared to take it a little bit slower around the parks though. Babies, as well as parents, will need to take a few more breaks than usual. With the parent rider swap program though, you will not have to miss out on any rides.
The other hot topic that goes with this is…..Should I go, and is it worth it to go to Disney while I am pregnant. Of course you should go and have just as much fun as you would not pregnant.
Sure, you will have to take more bathroom breaks, and rest stops than usual, but you can still have a blast. There are actually only a few rides that you are restricted from riding.
Unfortunately those are the big rides like Splash and Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and the new Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Everything else is game, although you may get a little sick on the TeaCups if you venture to ride them.Well, let the planning begin!
Tell us your thoughts and if you have even gone pregnant or with a baby.
Have a magical weekend!!